Saturday, June 11, 2011

Il 10 giugno 2011: 10 June 2011" Every event, every situation in which you may find yourself has a positive value, even the dramas, even the tragedies, even the thunderbolt from a calm sky."

Il 10 giugno 2011, giorno favorevole sul calendario buddismo, un versamente della somma di 9,235 Euro e' stato effetuato dal conto di Reach Out ad Ashinaga a Tokyo, Giappone, una associazione no-profit che aiuta l'orfani del terramoto e del tsunami di 11 marzo, 2011.  La somma rappresenta un raccolto di tutto il nostro lavoro ed energia, ma sopprattutto, il simbolo del nostro desiderio di "Reach Out" (dare un mano) all'altro lato del mondo, a Giappone.

Vi ringrazio di cuore, da parte della mia patria e di tutta la gente che avete toccato e per avere lasciato tutti questi diversi incroci che questo progetto ha portato alla mia vita.

REACH OUT per Giappone

On this day 10 June 2011, that is an auspicious day on the Buddhist calendar, a transfer in the amount of 9,235Euro has been made from the account of Reach Out to Ashinaga in Tokyo, Japan, a non-profit association that helps orphans from the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March, 2011.   The sum represents a collection of all our work and energy, but more important, it is a symbol of our desire to reach out across to the other side of the world to Japan.

On behalf of all the people whose lives you have touched, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and for leaving behind all the crossing of different paths that this project has brought to my life.

REACH OUT for Japan

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The cranes are floating in the wind

The cranes are floating in the wind....all around the house where the private viewing for CROSSING the photo show will be shown before the opening in Milan
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

CROSSING la mostra-vendita di fotografie a favore di Reach Out

CROSSING la mostra-vendita di fotografie
a favore di Reach Out, un'iniziativa di beneficenza per le vittime del terremoto di 11 marzo in Giappone

dal 21-26 maggio 2011, a Milano quartiere Isola
Laboratorio Cagliani, Via Vincenzo Civerchio 5, tel 08 87 38 8960
Orario: Lun/Ven 15-18 Sab-Dom 11-19
Cocktail partyL 26 maggio 2011

dal 20-22 maggio lÄH-UM kids festival (manifestazione organizzata da ZonaK in collaborazione con AH-UM Milano Jazz festival).  Laboratorio, giochi, mercantini all'interno

Laboratorio alla scuola elementare Campo Solare

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Lots of hands tiny and big are helping to reach our goal

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ella visits from London

Ella visited Como during her spring break with her mum from London.  She added her contribution to our tsuru basket in between sightseeing during her very first trip to Italy.  She thought she might recruit some of her friends in England  to help us with our project. What a great idea!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Erica designed our logo


This logo represents our mission.  Many hands big and small reaching out across borders.  Our new logo is born.  Thanks to Erica for her creativity.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Origami Workshop - Il Laboratorio di Origami

 “Many hands make light work”..  Some learned it fast, others just made a mess, a few got addicted.  After two days of help from lots of tiny hands we already made 200 cranes.  Great start!
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